Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Life and Surfing

I know most people would love to plan out their days and then have them go exactly according to that plan. Unfortunately we all know that's not the case. When you think about it, life's a lot like surfing. It involves a lot of paddling, opportunities to wipe out, catching waves, missing waves, riding waves that were smaller than you thought and catching waves that were way bigger than you'd ever imagined. I guess that's the beauty of living life where the Lord leads. Can you imagine a life of predictability, dullness and routine? Not that these are bad, but having some adventure and change is so good for us. Mark 8:34 clearly spells out Jesus' heart when it comes to being a Christian saying, "Then, calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me." Being a Christian is about following Jesus. It's doing His will and His desires, not our own. Following Jesus will mean paths that maybe we wouldn't choose, or routes we'd rather not travel on. And as we trust in Him, He won't lead us on a path that's too much for us, or one He'll leave us on. He's an excellent guide and knows exactly what He's doing. So today will involve some paddling. It may be tiring, yet necessary to get to the place where you can catch waves. Then you see you wave and you begin paddling even more. You catch your wave, stand up and enjoy your ride :) And sometimes even though your wave might not be what you expected, Jesus knows what He's doing, just like with this incredible surfer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nS_aR8XX_U

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