Well today is one of those bittersweet days. It's the last day of HITC for this year. Yes they still have their missions trip to Mexico, but I won't be traveling with them this year. It's funny how I started school with a group of students who I barely knew, yet after spending a year with them on almost a daily schedule, I've become quite attached to them. Friendships have been forged that will last a lifetime. You may have heard me say this before, but I consider it a privilege to have been a part of their lives this past year. Whether they return as second year students or not, what I've experienced with the students and seen in their lives is incredible and I wouldn't trade it for the world. This group of students has grown and changed so much. I know God will use them powerfully in Mexico and in the days ahead. Coming to HITC may only be a year or two of their lives, but the impact that it has made will last a lifetime. I feel like a proud dad today watching his kids accomplish something great. They have persevered, overcome, broken through and seen how they can be used of God as they allow Him. It will be strange coming in to the office tomorrow and having the school quiet and not having the activity of 14 busy HITC students. Congratulations this year's class. And students, your classes and finals may be over, but you have a lot to do, including packing, to prepare yourself for your overseas missions trip. Represent Jesus, Harvest Church and HITC well. You are an amazing group!
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