Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Get Back On It!

Have you ever let fear or a bad experience stop you from trying or doing something again? I've known people who've had a bumpy plane flight never fly again. Or maybe you were working out at the gym and fell off the treadmill? Now that becomes your reason for not wanting to go to the gym to get back on the treadmill. What if we let failure define who we are? What if we allowed our bad experiences to dictate how we lived life? Unfortunately some people do this. They live life out of fear, not wanting to move on from their past experiences. I'm glad that when I lost a tennis match that I didn't stop playing. Or when I failed a college exam, that I didn't drop out. I'm the kind of person who can't wait to get back in the saddle after failure or a bad experience. I'm not going to let negative experience hold me back from doing something that I know I should be doing. Everyone needs a little encouragement now and then to get back in the saddle. Maverick needed it after Goose was killed on the movie Top Gun. And Timothy needed it from Paul in 1 Timothy 4:12-13 where he said, "Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity. Until I get there, focus on reading the Scriptures to the church, encouraging the believers, and teaching them." So if you've fallen off the treadmill before, don't let that stop you from getting back on it. Have fun cranking out a few miles on the treadmill today. If you've had a bumpy flight, look forward to your next flight and enjoy getting safely to your destination. If you had a rough day yesterday, today is a new day full of great things :)

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