Monday, January 28, 2013

Protecting the Unity of Your Team

Yesterday I had the opportunity to share a message at our Sunday service about teamwork, and one of its key components, unity. There are many things that can make a team successful, but we must also be aware of those things that will try and come in to disrupt and divide any kind of team. I like to call these things the enemies of unity. I realize that there are probably hundreds of them, but I've listed 16 of them, and not in any specific order. They are: an inability to admit wrongdoing; unforgiveness or unresolved issues; jealousy and envy towards other team members; believing you are the most important person on the team; critical spirit; a desire to be served and not serve; wanting to take all the credit for things; poor communication; gossip; pride; selfishness; favoritism towards other team members; bad attitudes; independence; comparisons among team members; and a lack of trust among the team. If any of these began to appear on a team, unless action is taken against it, the consequences could be disastrous. If more than one appears, action must be aggressively taken against them because the unity of a team cannot be compromised at any cost. When a team operates in unity, the sky is the limit. Unity is something that must be protected, cherished and promoted. Unity is one of the most powerful forces in the unity and is the reason the enemies of it would love to see it destroyed. Today, regardless of the team you're a part of, be a protector of its unity :) If you want to listen to my message yesterday titled, "Forget the Honda, We Need the Bus", go to

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