Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Great Friends Are Such A Blessing...

Every now and then I choose to blog about one of my friends and today is one of those days. I remember the first time I met Brian Hesse, almost ten years ago. He'd moved down to the valley to attend NNU from Coeur d'Alene. I met him at Starbucks on Broadway and quickly knew the Lord had brought our paths together. From that moment on I have been blessed to call him a great friend. People like Brian don't come along everyday and I'm so thankful for friends like Brian. There are many things that come to mind when I think of how to describe a friend. Things like loyalty, honesty, integrity, and a willingness to help others grow in the Lord. Brian has been all of those to me, and to many others too. His consistency, strength and faithfulness have opened many doors for him and have given him much influence. I don't get to spend as much time as I'd like with him, but when we do get together, it's like we pick up right where we left off last. Yesterday we got to spend a couple of hours together and we had a blast, well actually we did a lot of blasting at targets. I'm always excited to see how much people grow because of their willingness to allow the Lord to mold and form them. Brian is no exception and I'm so proud of the man, and now husband, that he is. Soon he'll be celebrating his first wedding anniversary to his beautiful wife Katie. Good friendships don't just happen, but they take work, commitment and humility, as well as many other things. Many of us have friends like Brian in our lives, and I encourage you to cherish those relationships. And to you Brian, thanks for being a faithful and loyal friend. I'm richly blessed having you as a friend :)

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