There's so much buzz going on right now about the scandal involving former CIA director General Petraeus, Paula Broadwell and even Marine General John Allen. It serves as a reminder to all who have been placed in positions of authority, whose reputation and integrity are of the utmost importance. Petraeus' reputation has been impeccable and his integrity unquestioned. When the story broke most people couldn't believe what they were hearing. There are several things anyone can learn from this very sad situation. If integrity is something that's important to you, you can never afford to be casual about anything. Obviously Petraeus allowed small compromises in his life to mount, eventually resulting in his fall. I'm sure these didn't seem too big at the time. Petraeus was a man who was under much stress and pressure, for months on end not really having anyone to open up with, and being thousands of miles from his wife and family (he was overseas when this all went down). Along comes a very friendly, attractive and comforting friend, Paula Broadwell. I think it's so important for people to see the warning signs from the onset. He knew he was lonely and needed a confidant and this lady filled his void. When you're going through a difficult time, continually keep going to the Lord and allow him to fill your void. Set things in place that won't allow you to become snared by the enemy. I know some people will thing this is going overboard, however, the result is always the same, regret and pain. What are some things you have in place not to allow your reputation and integrity to take a hit? I think you'll be glad to put some things in place.
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