Monday, November 5, 2012

Forgotten? Never Stop Being Faithful

Ever been in a season where you feel forgotten? At times even invisible to those around you? Others seem to be the ones getting all the recognition, the credit, the raise, the bonus, etc. I think everyone goes through those seasons every now and then. Usually in times like this a person will always have two options, bail or be faithful. I've seen many situations where people have bailed, and others where the person has been faithful. I think of David in the Bible. He served in obscurity while everyone around him seemed to be reaping rewards. He stayed faithful and God's plans came to pass. I also think of Joseph, who I've been studying lately (and greatly appreciate the notes from Bill Scheidler on Joseph from his Genesis class). Regardless of the ups and downs in Joseph's life, and believe me, they were major ups and downs, he remained faithful. What amazes me with Joseph is that he was framed and put in jail due to the lies of another. In jail he was literally forgotten by everyone, except God. He didn't live based on what he felt or what he saw, but he lived by principle and faith. Joseph continued to be faithful in the little things and because of this God blessed him. You may be in a season where you feel forgotten, but not by God. Continue being faithful in all you do, and just like Joseph, God will open doors for you :)

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