Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Is Your Life Like A Roller Coaster Ride?

Everyday things can go a way that you didn't expect and even surprise you. Sometimes things can happen that seem to take you in the complete opposite direction you want to be going. I continue to be amazed at the life of Joseph (thanks again to Bill Scheidler for his incredible course notes for Genesis). When you look at the life of Joseph, so many things went contrary to what he was expecting, and could easily describe it as a roller coaster ride. He encountered things that, depending upon his response, could very easily have disqualified him for what God had in store. We can learn so much from his circumstances and even more from his responses. He could have focussed on how unfair his life was. He could have focussed on how wrong and mean his brothers were. And he could have also focussed on the fact he was in a prison, a million miles from where he thought he should be. Bill Scheidler says about this, "Joseph may have been a slave in his circumstance, but he wasn't a slave in his spirit." This has to be the attitude and perspective we have. Things may look bleak and hopeless, but your attitude can make all the difference. I know you'll have opportunities today to respond to your circumstances. Will your choices look like those of Joseph or not?

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