Wednesday, November 21, 2012

No Gratitude Means No Thankfulness

I've been thinking a lot lately about people who are thankful and those who aren't, especially with it being Thanksgiving tomorrow. I love what EM Bounds says, "Gratitude is an inward emotion of the soul, involuntarily arising therein, while thanksgiving is the voluntary expression of gratitude. Thanksgiving is oral, positive, active. It is the giving out of something to God. Thanksgiving comes out into the open. Gratitude is secret, silent, passive, not showing its being until expressed in praise and thanksgiving. Gratitude is felt in the heart. Thanksgiving is the expression of that inward feeling.” A person who has no real gratitude on the inside will have no evidence of thanksgiving on the outside. They can try to fake it, but as we all know, it's pretty easy to spot a faker. For someone to have no gratitude they're obviously overlooking much and take a lot for granted. If we sat down and really thought about it, we would have pages and pages of things we're thankful for. We've all seen the commercial asking "what's in your wallet?" But the question we must really ask today is "what's in your heart?" Matthew 12:34 tells us, "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." If there's gratitude in your heart, it will be obvious in the words that come from your mouth. Today, reflect on all the Lord's done for you, blessed you with, and has planned for you :) Have an attitude of gratitude.

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