Monday, May 27, 2013

Your Words Can Give Life to Others Or Destroy Them

Believe it or not, one of the most powerful weapons each of us have is our words. Words can build you up or words can tear you down, which are some lyrics from one of my favorite songs of late by Hawk Nelson. Check the song out here As much as encouragement can build a person up, the opposite is also true when we speak negatively about someone. Speaking behind someones back, gossip, slander and backbiting all accomplish the same thing, destruction. I've recently become sensitive to this seeing the results of both firsthand. When someone is praised, encouraged and words of life are spoken to them, they blossom. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that from time to time there won't be need of instruction or correction, but for the most part they are built up. I've also seen the destruction that comes from words of constant criticism, negativity, gossip and slander. Unfortunately words of this nature cause damage that often can't be corrected. I can't forget that in my mouth I have words that can build others or destroy them. What comes out is my choice. If my desire is to be a builder of others my words will reflect that. If my goal is to be a destroyer of others my words will also reflect that. You too have the same choice today. Put a guard over your mouth and be slow to speak. Your words today may have a powerful impact on someone's life for good or they may be very damaging and fatal. And what's so amazing is that you're the one who chooses. Today Psalm 19:14 is my desire, "Let my words and my thoughts be pleasing to You, Lord, because You are my mighty rock  and my protector."

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