Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Stealing of Your Courage

Courage, the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. Have you ever felt your courage drop and discouragement knock on your door? When we lose our courage, we allow timidity, fear, indecision, discouragement and ineffectiveness to take over. Have you ever thought that there might be something trying to steal your courage? If your courage can be stolen, think about the tragic consequences that could take place because of it. As I read the Bible, I notice how often people are told to be strong and take courage. This includes mighty men such as Joshua, Caleb and Gideon. For them to do all that God called them to do, one of their keys was to be courageous. Without courage, they couldn't and wouldn't have done all they did. The same goes for us and those things God has called us to do. As Christians, we're going to encounter situations and things that are challenging, difficult and intimidating. It's in the midst of these these that we must allow courage to rise within us. So where do we get this courage? It's from the Lord. We see men and women in the Bible go to the Lord in their times of need and it's there that the Lord imparts courage to them. And once He gives it, it then becomes the responsibility of the person to walk it out. We live in a culture where discouragement has a deep hold on people. The courage thief has plundered and left people helpless. We must rise up and heed the impacting words of the Lord found in Joshua 1:9, "This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Take a hold of these powerful words and don't the courage thief to plunder you today.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post! Whenever courage fails me and I waiver in my faith, I always think of Joshua, and my faith is renewed. Courage comes from knowing God is with you.


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