Saturday, December 24, 2011

For With God Nothing Will Be Impossible

In thinking about the Christmas story and the miracles surrounding it, there's really nothing that's impossible for God. When you are on God's team, there's always hope and possibilities. The birth of Christ is probably the greatest moment in human history. When God Himself came to earth and became a man. It's incredible! Our response to this miracle should be just like the shepherds response. When they were told about Jesus' birth, they went to Him with haste to find Him (Luke 2:16). And once they had found Him, look at what they did next according to Luke 2:17-18, "Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child. And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were told them by the shepherds. The shepherds went everywhere telling people what they'd been told and what happened next. Even today, people need to hear the great news of Jesus' birth. We live in a culture that has sucked hope, life and vision out of people, and they need to hear about Immanuel, God with us. He is the one who brings us hope, life and vision and we must be like the shepherds, and tell everyone around us about Jesus. Christmas is all about Jesus and people are usually more open to hear about Him during this season. Wherever you go during the next few days, don't forget to tell people about Immanuel. Merry Christmas everyone :) Also enjoy the cute Christmas story as told by some children from Auckland, New Zealand 

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