Thursday, December 8, 2011

Passing the "Stupid" Test

Have you ever called someone "stupid" before? It's somewhat of a strong word meaning, "dense, foolish, thickheaded or being sluggish of mind." Before calling someone this, you'd better make sure it's what you mean. Something I've seen lately that's very concerning, is the number of people who don't like or want to be instructed or corrected, especially Christians. They have the view that no person should have the right to correct them, even when the Bible is full of verses contrary to their belief. One of my favorite verses that's been a gem in my own life is Proverbs 12:1 which says, "Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid." To me this is pretty black and white. We're to desire instruction and correction. Our culture constantly rams down our throats the mindset that nobody has the right to tell you what to do, and let alone correct you. To me this is the "stupid" test. This test tells me whether or not I'm stupid. How do you pass this test? By simply loving instruction and correction. How do you fail the "stupid" test? By doing the opposite and not loving instruction and correction. When you think about it, the main purpose of any instruction and correction is to help you become a mature Christian. There was a time in my life when it was hard for me to receive these, but you quickly learn from the rewards and blessings found when you learn to love them. Don't ever fear instruction or correction as it's a vital aspect of your Christian maturity. But if you do choose to ignore the warning of the Bible, I guess you really are what this verse calls you, stupid.

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