Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Listening to Gossips is Like Feeding on Trash

I was sipping my coffee at 4:40am this morning, reading Proverb 15. Suddenly verse 14 jumped off the page saying, "A wise person is hungry for truth, while the fool feeds on trash." This verse describes so many people, both saved and unsaved. Are you a person who loves truth? Are you hungry for it? When someone brings a story or information to you about someone else, do you immediately consider it truth? Searching out truth must be a priority for us as Christians. Not partial truths, or things our itching ears want to hear, but the complete truth. Unfortunately, one of the giants in our culture is gossip. Gossips are everywhere, talking about a host of things they shouldn't be. Gossip is simply idle talking or spreading rumors, especially about the personal or private affairs of others. Gossips think they're helping by talking to others, however I've never seen anything profitable come from their gossip. It's so prevalent in our culture, having TV shows, magazines and websites whose entire purpose is to gossip. All of us have been around gossips, and instead of confronting them, we listen and then even tell others. If we could only see how much the Lord is grieved by this and how much He hates it's destructiveness. Gossiping is "feeding on trash," allowing garbage to fill your mind, which is contrary to what the Bible says. Today you have a powerful choice. Will you allow your mind to feed on trash? Or will you be a person of truth? Don't be a gossip! Instead have the reputation of being wise :)


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