Friday, November 23, 2012

What Was I Thinking?

This time every year a group of us men from church play in our annual Turkey Bowl football game. Yesterday we had 3 games going with about 50 people involved. It was amazing! Hard core flag football (tackle or get the person down and then pull their flag). As we were playing yesterday I ran hard on both offense and defense. I caught a touchdown, grabbed an interception and even threw a few touchdowns. My adrenaline was pumping and age meant nothing. Well that was yesterday. This morning I got up and realized my body was screaming at every movement I made. While I felt nothing yesterday, I'm making up for it today. Every year I forget that I'm not the young athlete I once was and always pay for it the next day. So why would I play every year? There's something about being around other men who are playing football together. I just can't stay at home and not be part of the camaraderie, fun, laughter and highlight plays. Thanks to all the guys who let this veteran play yesterday :) I had a blast!

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