Monday, November 19, 2012

Doing It For Her

One of the key ingredients for a a successful marriage is preferring the your spouse. Especially as a husband, I listen very carefully to those things my wife tells me she likes, and those things she doesn't. Over the last 6 weeks I've grown my facial hair out because I think it look stylish. I've also gotten a lot of compliments about how it looks. However, when it comes to what my wife thinks, she's first and foremost (obviously she's second to Jesus). I know my prickly stubbles were rough on her delicate cheeks and tender lips, so it was time for the facial hair to go. If my wife tells me it's time for my facial hair to go, it's time for it to go. Why would I do this? Why wouldn't I put up a fight. Don't forget I've gotten many positive comments about it. The answer is simple, I prefer her. As a husband, her desires and needs come before mine. Plus, I know I'll get a lot more kisses when my face is soft and clean shaven :)

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