Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What's the Last Thing You'd Be Remembered For?

Many of you have probably seen the story about the San Diego police officer who was gunned down after getting into his police car, after stopping at McDonalds. He was an Iraq war veteran who had done several tours of duty. Since returning home he'd become a police officer. Before I continue you should watch the national news story about him at I couldn't help but think about his kindness to this young man he'd never met, and would probably never meet again. In a very dangerous profession where officers put their lives on the line daily, living their motto, "To protect and serve" is truly how this officer lived. To me this man is a hero. He served his nation, served his community and offered a helping hand to others. From all that's been said about him, this wasn't a one time act for this man, but described his life. None of us know when our time will be up, so live today as if it's your last. From what you do today, what's the impression and imprint left on the lives of those around you? Will it be like this officer? Will kindness be one of the lasting impressions you leave? Today live out Colossians 3:12, "Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience."

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