One of the most memorable things from this year's football season is seeing how coach Chris Peterson talks with his players during a game. Whether it's Kellen Moore, Doug Martin, or any other player, they always seem to go to him. Why is this? Because he's the guy with the wisdom, plays and good fruit. It makes me think of all the incredible men and women who have spoken into my life throughout the years, helping and strengthening my walk in the Lord. Whether it was those who mentored me when I was first saved, those who took me under their wing when I was a newlywed, and those who speak into my life today. I definitely wouldn't be the man I am today without them. They strengthen my life, showing me what the Bible says, in love, and not for their gain but for mine. One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 11:14 which says, "Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety." Just like anyone else I don't want to fall, but desire to walk safely. That's why it's important for me to allow others to do this. It's incredible to me how the "life coach" or "life mentor" industry has boomed in recent years. But why has it? Simply because people see the huge benefit of others speaking into their life, wanting to help them grow and succeed. I also consider it a privilege for me to speak into the lives of others. It's been so amazing to watch those around me grow and be strengthened as they're exhorted, encouraged, edified and comforted. Thank you to all the mentors, life coaches, parents and everyone else who helps others by speaking into the lives of others, helping them grow and succeed. You are a blessing :)
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