Monday, September 12, 2011

What Have You Been Missing?

Have you ever stopped to think about the world we live in? It's fast paced, usually busy and often complicated. We can get up in the morning and before we know it life can be screaming at us. We've barely had a chance to prepare for the day and already we're knee deep in it. Our days can be so packed with stuff that we often miss the simple and beautiful things in life. Lately I've made a conscious effort to slow down on things and see what God wants me to see. I'm surprised at all the incredible things that I've been missing simply because I've allowed life to dictate the pace at which I live. Before I didn't even see the roses as I travelled at 100mph in life. Not only do I now see them, but I'm taking the time to smell them :) I encourage you today, to be on the watch for the simple and beautiful. Don't allow the speed of your day to dominate you. Hug your loved ones and tell them how much they mean to you. Slow down at the store! Take time to look people in the eye when you're talking with them. Allow "thank yous" to flow from your mouth. Ask how people are doing. Take the time to appreciate all those little things that you've been missing. I'm so thankful for the example that Jesus gave us. Even after a busy day He always took the time to notice who and what was around Him. This is my desire too :) See your roses today and take the time to smell them. Blessings :)


  1. I love reading your blog Pastor Lee! So good :)

  2. Good word! I've been missing the smell of roses- thanks!


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