Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Impact of a Few Words

I love receiving cards and notes. In fact I've kept most of those I've received over the last 20 years. Sometimes I'll go back and read through the kind words written to me. This week I received this simple note of very few words and must admit, it definitely encouraged me and brightened my day. All of us cherish and appreciate receiving words of affirmation or encouragement. Those who know me would tell you that I love sending cards or notes to people, thanking them, encouraging them or affirming them. For years I've done this and have probably written hundreds and hundreds of cards or notes to people. Why would I take the time to do this? The main reason I take the time to write notes and cards is because I've seen the impact and power a few simple words can have. I also love sending notes and cards anonymously, just to let people know how much they're appreciated :) It's one thing to tell someone verbally, but it's another thing to take a few minutes to write down what you're thinking. There are people this week that need to read some kind words from you. People who need to be encouraged or affirmed. Take a few minutes to put your words on paper, and then send it to them. You may never know the impact of those few words you wrote down :)

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