Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Who Are You In Private?

A quote we often hear goes along the lines of, "Who you are in private is the real you." I believe this couldn't be more true. We can be easily fooled into thinking who someone is in public is how they are all the time. I think everyone would agree that people can be very different in private, when noone else is around, than the person they are in front of others. As I think about this I can't help but ask the question, "Why?" Some of the most incredible people I know are the same person, whether surrounded by others, a few, or even noone. But this can be such a challenge. I think not wanting others to see who we really are is a big part of the problem. We can be afraid of what they'll think, say or see. The best example I have to follow with this is that of Jesus. He wasn't two different people depending on who was around Him. Whether it was a multitude, a solitary person, or noone, He was consistent. He didn't need the approval of others, His goal was to please His Father. It allowed who He really was to always be who was seen. Today, when noone else is around or looking, will I be the same person as if I'm surrounded by others? That's my goal :)

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