Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Waiting Patiently...An Oxymoron?

I'm convinced more and more that "waiting" is on the downslide in our culture. People seem to dislike waiting for things, opportunities or people. Even in my own life I recognize it. When you're following a driver going 32mph in a 35mph zone. When you're at a light that's red for you and there isn't a vehicle in sight either direction that has the green light. Our "waiting" seems to be tested everywhere and all the time. Now when you add to this the word "patiently", I'm definitely challenged. To many the phrase "waiting patiently" can almost seem like a contradiction or oxymoron. Waiting in and of itself can be a challenge, let alone doing it patiently. In James 5:7 the Bible uses these two words together. Obviously there must be something to it :) Today I'm going to look for opportunities to be patient, especially if I'm waiting for someone or something. I know it could be a challenge, but I'm going to depend on God's grace and know that in His strength it's something I'll be able to do :) How about you?

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