Monday, August 26, 2013

Regardless of How Bad Things May Be, How's Your Attitude?

As we all know, things don't always go the way you expected or thought. In fact, sometimes they can be nothing like what you expected. Sometimes life can be very challenging, difficult and frustrating. Perhaps your challenges are people related, money related, work related or something else. But regardless of what the cause is, there's something we must always be very aware of. When life is challenging, we may not be in a place to chance the situation, but we do have the opportunity to respond correctly to it. Remember Joseph in the Bible? He was in many challenging and difficult situations, yet he chose time and time again to respond rightly. He had every reason to get mad and want to take care of business, yet he chose not to let his emotions get in the way of choosing right attitudes. Today you may be faced with difficult and challenging things. Things that you can't change or do anything about. The important thing is how are you going to respond? What kind of attitude will you have? Choose to respond how Joseph did. Regardless of how bad his situations were, things seemed to work out pretty well for him :)

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