Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy and God

It's been very interesting watching the massive and oncoming storm, Sandy. It's a huge and dangerous storm that's being called a perfect storm. The storm of the century due to several massive opposing weather fronts colliding together. It's amazing as I watch the news images and footage of this storm. Powerful winds, huge seas, inches of rain and snow, as well as much more fury along the East coast. My heart goes out to all of those whose lives are in harms way and pray that everyone is kept safe. But what storms like this make me think about is how powerful God is. Yes, storms like this are mighty and incredible, yet don't even come close to the power of God. You may be facing struggles, impossibilities or difficult situations, but don't lose hope. We serve a God who is able to do the impossible, just as Matthew 19:26 tells us, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Sandy is a massive storm, but pales in comparison to our God.

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