Monday, September 24, 2012

What Should Men Always Do?

As I've been reading the Gospel of Luke recently, and let me tell you there are some incredible verses in it. One that has really challenged me is Luke 18:1 where Jesus is saying, "...that men always ought to pray and not lose heart." When I think about two of the biggest battles people face is prayerlessness and discouragement. And usually when someone is discouraged or has lost heart, prayer is the last thing they'll choose to do. I even think how this verse can apply to our nation. Think of how far our nation has slid throughout the years. I once heard someone say that if God doesn't judge this nation for its wickedness and sin, He will need to forgive Sodom and Gomorrah for what He did to them. Yes, our nation is in difficult times, and I believe that there are even worse days ahead. However, there are many times in the Bible where situations looked bleak, but when God moves incredible things happen. All things are possible with God. Our part in this season is to heed what Luke 18:1 encourages us to do. We must be a praying people. Prayer changes things and moves the hand of God. We must also not lose heart and get discouraged. Don't walk by what you see, but choose to walk in faith in God. Believe Him and trust Him that He is able to move in our nation. As we choose to do these, let's see what God does...

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