Monday, January 23, 2012


It's amazing to think about how God really sees us. But all too often it's very different than how we see ourselves. That's one of the reasons I love about the Bible, because it clearly shows us God's perspective. One of the most impacting verses when it comes to this is Romans 8:37, which says, "Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Wow! Overwhelming victory is ours through Jesus Christ and His love! There are times when it's easy to walk by sight and not by faith, so seeing ourselves as being more than a conqueror can be a real challenge. Yet God sees us as being more than conquerors, and what He thinks is more important to me than what I think. The Greek word used for "more than conquerors" is "hupernikao." It indicates a person who is super-victorious and wins more than an ordinary victory. This person is overpowering in achieving abundant victory through Christ Jesus. This may not be who we feel like at times, but in Christ it really is who you are. The devil can bring plenty of accusations and lies against you, but through Christ you are a mighty conqueror and overcomer! And where does all of this come from? The last part of Romans 8:37 tells us. It's through Jesus and His love for us. Love is the most powerful weapon in the universe and God Himself is love. And this very love is what fills us and makes us who we are.

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