Thursday, September 22, 2011

"AAGGHH" moments...

I think all of us have experienced times of wanting to scream "AAGGHH"! Well I can totally relate :) A funny thing happened to me yesterday. I was out in front of my home with my son. I had strategically placed my Blackberry on the trunk of our car, which was out in the driveway, so I wouldn't forget it. After 15 minutes I went inside, while my daughter drove off to her volleyball practice at her school. You guessed it, the same car that was in the driveway, with my phone sitting on the trunk. For a few minutes I couldn't remember where I'd put my phone. I searched everywhere trying to find it. Then it came to me, that it was on the trunk! I immediately called my daughter and had her run out to the car, in the parking lot of her school. She said my phone was on the trunk. Incredible! After many turns, bumps and 2.5 miles, my Blackberry had stayed where I'd put it. Here's the lesson I learned yesterday. I was processing how my phone could stay on the trunk? Everything indicated that it should have become a squished Blackberry somewhere on Cherry Lane. Proverbs 18:24 tells us that "...there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."Just like my phone stuck to the trunk of my car, is the same closeness that Jesus wants with us to have with Him. Regardless of the bumps, turns and obstacles you may go through today, Jesus will stick with us. He won't let us go! "I will never leave you nor forsake you" is His' promise to us. Today you may have one of your own "AAGGHH" moments. If you do, you will have an important choice to make. Will I become frustrated? Angry? Complain? Retaliate? Or will you choose to keep your eyes on the Lord, trusting completely in Him? Knowing that He is with you, and staying so close to you :)

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