The past 3 months have been such a wonderful journey since stepping down from overseeing the HITC internship. I have enjoyed many things, missed some things but most importantly, I've learned so much. Throughout it all I've come to see the indescribable faithfulness of God. He has been with my family and I every single step of our journey. A lot of people have wanted to know what I'm doing now job wise since my transition. When it comes down to it, two things keep me very busy. Firstly, I've been teaching tennis at Crane Creek Country Club here in Boise. Lessons have been picking up rapidly and I've been on court over 20 hours last week and will be around 20 this week. I was hoping for about 20 hours per week so to reach my goal after only 3 weeks is awesome. I'm working with men, women and kids of all abilities. And let me tell, after stepping away from tennis for 12 years, I'm absolutely loving it! And what's even better my boss is a New Zealander :) Secondly, many of you know I have a knack for finding quality products and then reselling them. So that's what I've been doing along with tennis. I have a niche with what I'm looking for to resell and then I go for it. Over the past several months I've been selling about 200 items per month online trying to make 300-1000% on every item I sell. And guess what, God's blessing what I'm doing :) When people ask me how I'm enjoying what I'm doing, all I can say is, "I love what I'm doing!" I'm truly having a blast. One of the most surprising things I've learned, which I think many people need to know is this. You can pastor people anywhere and everywhere. It's amazing the opportunities I've had already to help minister to people. There are hurting people everywhere who need the Lord. I may no longer be known as Pastor Lee, but believe me, I am now Lee who pastors and ministers to people. It's awesome! Just as there are many opportunities around me, I also know there are many opportunities around you. Will you love, care for, help and serve others? You have no idea the impact this will have on others. In closing, I do want to thank everyone who has prayed for me and my family. Your prayers and encouragement have meant the world to us :)
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