Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Doing Things Others Don't or Won't Understand

When you follow Christ we often make decisions that others just don't seem to understand. In fact, that's right where I am right now as I transition from being on staff as a pastor at my church to my next job. Often I don't think we realize how much we walk by sight instead of by faith, although many think they're actually walking by faith. In life we experience things that others may see differently or have a different perspective on, but when it's the Lord who's leading you, there's really no option other than to follow Him. People ask me where I'm going to be working and I have to say (in faith) that only God knows the answer to that right now. What I do know is that He's fully aware of my situation and has a great plan for me. Their response is usually one of surprise. My words usually don't satisfy what they're looking for and end up not understanding my journey. I'm sure you've from time to time had the same experience with others? I can't help but think of those Jesus said to follow Him early on in His ministry. Their response was one of obedience and they left (forsook) everything that they knew in order to follow Him. That's the journey I'm on right now. One of uncertainty and the unseen, but at the same time one of trust, surrender and obedience. Please take a moment to watch this incredible clip of some other people who chose to do something that others didn't understand...

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