Friday, December 13, 2013

Diamonds in the Rough...

It's pretty easy spotting those who are talented, gifted and full of ability, but does that mean that they are the only ones who have them? Whether it's in a business, a church, a sport or something else, it could be very easy to see the obvious and yet miss others. Have you ever known someone who's able to spot a "diamond in the rough"? Maybe they see something in someone that everyone else overlooked or missed? They're not very common, but they are around. They have an amazing ability to see something in people that no-one else saw. God saw something in a young shepherd boy named David, that everyone else seemed to miss, and yet used him in ways that no-one else could have ever imagined. It's too easy for us to look at the obvious talent and gifted right before us. But I believe that there are many diamonds in the rough all around us. People who God sees and has great plans for, yet are unseen by most. I'm challenged today to look for those people. Maybe they need to be searched out and discovered, but I know it will be well worth it. And if you're one of those people, be patient. God knows and has a plan for your life. Watch this clip and you'll understand what I mean...

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