Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bogged Down With Life?

Sorry I haven't posted in the past few days but I've been on vacation. I've been doing some evaluating over this break and taking a good look at my life and what gobbles up my time. It's been very eye-opening and challenging at the same time. Have you ever thought about what dominates your time, energy and virtue? If we're not careful we can allow "stuff" to take over our lives and before we know it, we're sinking in the quicksand of being overwhelmed. We all have 24 hours a day and what we choose to do in those 24 hours is our choice. So much of what we do with our time amounts to nothing, while some of it can eternal implications. I'm choosing to simplify my life. I'm choosing to take control of my time and days. I'm not going to allow myself to be bogged down in the mud of life any longer. Every day I'm listening for the Lord's "still, small voice" to direct me and lead me. I know that as I follow His leading I'll be doing the things that matter and are important to Him. Hearing His voice and doing His will is what I'm going to do today :)

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