Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hair and Wisdom

I'm off to get a haircut this morning because it's that time. We all know that as you get older, some people do tend to lose some of their hair. I'm no different and yes my hair is thinning out on top a little. But just because I don't seem to have thick locks of hair right now, doesn't mean that I never have. I found a picture from my senior year of high school, and as you can see I do have a lot of hair. In fact I think my wings look pretty sweet :) As we're all aware, as you get older your body does go through changes. Maybe you don't have as much hair, strength, energy or stamina you once did, but there is one thing that only continues to grow, if you allow it. That thing is called wisdom. Have you ever noticed that people who have been around a long time can have a lot of wisdom? Usually it's because of the many life lessons they've been able to draw from or the experiences that they've lived. The Bible values wisdom as such a precious thing and even says in Proverbs 4:7, "Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom." Wisdom can be such a priceless thing to a person. Wisdom can be the difference maker in decisions, and which in direction to go. It can be also be the great equalizer in battle. Wisdom is something everyone should desire. In fact it really is available to us as James 1:5 says, "If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking."Need wisdom? It's available, just ask God. But always be on your guard not to become wise in your own eyes, as the Bible warns. Wisdom is such an amazing thing and if you'll allow it, it will only grow as you get older.

1 comment:

  1. Love the photo. Seems like just the other day you were playing tennis in NZ.



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