You Can't Afford to Miss This...

Next week Harvest hosts the "Power of the Presence" worship conference. It's going to be 3 days in the incredible and powerful presence of the Lord. I've been so excited heading into this conference because people are so hungry for the Lord right now. God has been showing up so mightily in our Sunday services and times of corporate prayer, and I know He's about to show up at the conference as only He can. Psalm 68:3 tell us, "But let the godly rejoice. Let them be glad in God’s presence. Let them be filled with joy." Next week there's going to be much rejoicing and gladness as we enter His presence. I picture an abundance of joy in the lives of those who are seeking Him. Probably the thing I'm anticipating the most is what God is planning on doing during this conference when it comes to those things He's spoken over Harvest prophetically. I believe there's going to many miracles and salvations. As we enter into His presence, we're going to see His power. He's going to use anointed speakers such as Bob Sorge, Howard Rachinski and Danny Bonilla, as well as us having unforgettable times of worship. For more information about this very affordable conference you can go to the conference website at As with any great event, there's always a group of people who are disappointed. I believe in relation to this conference, the only ones who will be disappointed will be those who didn't attend. Those who heard about what took place and yet weren't there to experience it themselves, looking back on it with regret. Don't be one of these people. It's going to be incredible! See you there :) Click Here for more information on the Power of the Presence Worship Conference.
God's going to move with His power for sure Pastor Lee. I'm very excited to see what He does.