Saturday, October 8, 2011

Extreme Makeover-Life Edition

Last night I went to our ROAR youth service. It was incredible! I've never seen so many young people cram into ROAR HQ like last night. The Lord's presence was precious and His power was electrifying! As we were worshipping, I began to notice people all around me whose lives have been radically touched by the Lord Himself. People who were once broken, hurting, visionless, fearful, harsh, angry, lost, suicidal, hopeless and so on. People who the world had given up on and said would never amount to anything. Yet these very same people had met Jesus. Things were quite different now in their lives. A transformation had taken place. They are now healed, have vision and purpose, are full of faith, and are being used by the Lord as lights that shine in a dark world. To me it's beautiful seeing something that's broken, meet the Master, and then seeing Him put their life back together. Maybe today you're facing something that's way bigger than you? Maybe you don't want to continue on the path you're going? For you there's great news and His name is Jesus. Jesus came to "heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening the prison to those who are comfort all who give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for heaviness..." (Isaiah 61:1-3) Just as He came and has touched the lives of so many who were at ROAR last night, He also wants to touch your life, if you'll let Him. Will you let Him?

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